Infant Program effectively provides a safe, loving and stimulating environment where babies can grow and develop at their own rate. The program is unique in that classrooms can individualize focus on specific needs and wants of each child. Chanen’s Infant Specialists create a nurturing atmosphere. Infants experience smiles, singing and stimulating interactions throughout their day. Caregivers will teach and facilitate sharing and caring through playing, holding, feeding, and face-to- face interactions. Your baby’s developmental milestones are carefully monitored, and their physical development is enhanced by allowing them the freedom to move safely around the classroom.

Each baby follows their own (or parent-requested) schedule of eating, sleeping, and playing in the early months.  The social and emotional development of each infant is of primary importance. When it becomes developmentally appropriate, independence is encouraged and soon infants are feeding themselves at the table, walking and advancing in their play.  

The Infant Teachers specialize in personal one on one feedings, tummy time, meeting developmental milestones such as rolling over, reaching for toys, sitting and lots of babbling! Staff working with older infants will also continue to challenge babies to reach new milestones. Introducing many new sensory activities, staff encourage babies to have as many hands-on experiences as possible. Through music, art, movement, and messy play, your baby will be exposed to many exciting language and sensory experiences. In both classrooms, teachers will support parents on this new journey of parenthood. They will be a wonderful sounding board and offer support and suggestions as babies are ready to try new foods, learn to use a sippy cup and change their sleeping patterns. 

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