Childcare (walking to age 5) and Youth Programming (K-3rd grade), will be available during morning services at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Pre-registration is required to ensure that we have adequate staff and provide a warm and nurturing experience for your child(ren). We will be unable to accept drop-ins.  Register early as space is limited.



Families with children from birth to age five are invited to attend our special Tot Yontif Service offered before the morning Services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings. This age-appropriate service and worship opportunity for our youngest members will be at 9am at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in a designated room (look for the signs). Parents may reserve babysitting following the Tot Yontif Service and join the morning Service in the main sanctuary following. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our youngest children about our traditions and values.



Join our intergenerational Family Service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur afternoons at 2:30pm in the Sanctuary at Congregation Beth Israel. The service is a wonderful way for school aged children and their parents, grandparents, and friends to celebrate the High Holy Days at an age-appropriate service with prayer and song. Tickets are required and special ticket pricing is available for all families.

Book your tickets