Board Member

Lynn Frazin Lerner has been part of Congregation Beth Israel her whole life – over 50 years.  Growing up at Beth Israel, she participated in the religious school, became a Bat Mitzvah, and was confirmed.  She was a charter camper of Camp Charles Pearlstein, now Camp Daisy and Harry Stein.  As a parent of three young adults, she has been directly involved in their religious education in religious school, the Ma’ayan high school program, and their camp involvement.  All three children Jonah, Marcy, and Solomon learned so much throughout these valued programs at CBI.  Lynn has spent time on the Camp Services Board and was part of the inaugural Leadership Development cohort.  In her professional career she has been a High School Chemistry teacher in the Glendale Union High School District for over 25 years.  As both Lynn’s parents Fran & Larry Frazin and her husband Marc Lerner have served on the board and are Past Presidents, Lynn looks forward to contributing in whatever way is needed.


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